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Application Empty Application

Post  Pablo Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:09 am

General information:

Name: Pablo
Age: 21
Location: UK
Difference in time to Server e.g. UK= -1 hour : -1

Character information:

Character name: Pullo
Race : Human
Class :Paladin
Spec : Holy

Trade Skills (And 'special' recipes): B/S:446 J/C:407.

Played total : 1 1/2 years.
Played at level 80 : 3 months.

Armory Link (please add it for us):

What is your raiding experience in WOTLK? OS10 0D,OS25 0D,NAXX10 spider,plague,const 2/4,military 2/3(did this wing with Belf pally),NAXX25 spider,plague,const 3/4,VOA10 and 25.

Did you have any raiding experience before WOTLK ?
(remember to specify if you had another character in those raid and who he is)

Kara and Zul Aman
Would you change spec if asked to do so? Never tried Tankadin,willing to go Retribution,i have adequate gear for 10 man but retribution bores me after a while.

Additional Information: I no problem being Holy spec.

Alts above level 60: Jolyn,lvl80 Belf Paladin (retired)

History with other guilds, and reason for leaving your last 2: 1st:very casual raiding guild and not very well organised.2nd Too elitists.

Do you know anyone who is currently raiding in Odyssey, who will vouch for you ? Artimuss(spelling?).

Why are you applying to Odyssey (this is very important)? Raided with with two of your fellow members they seemed nice people.

How do you see yourself in Odyssey (regarding raiding and social 'life')I have no trouble with raids during weekdays but due to football and Pub time sat and sundays are my RL time.

How do you see your characters role in raids ?As Holydin reponsible tank healing and helping out other healers with group.

Can you keep yourself supplied on consumables for all raids, and get new gear gemmed and enchanted ?
Can you raid these days (please mark with a +/-)

Note that a raiding spot will require that you are able to signup for at least 2 out of our 3 weekly raids

Tuesday 20.00 - 23.00 ST (25 man run) Yes.

Thursday 20.00 - 23.00 ST (25 man run) Yes.

Sunday 20.00 - 23.00 ST (10 man run) No.

Additional Information you would like to tell us :I enjoy the game and play the for some nice relaxation.I dont like to be in situation wether raids/dungeons or any part of game where people become angry and abusive.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself (real life)I nice laid back person who enjoys a game of wow for relaxation.


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Application Empty Re: Application

Post  Tsang Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:19 am

Hey Buddy. Just whisper any Officer or RL that is online for an invite to the guild. We have accepted your app for a 2week trial Smile

Posts : 75
Join date : 2008-07-06

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